Sunday, 24 November 2013

Stolen Bicycles

Source: AD
Big cities drown in bicycles. That's the headline of the article where I got this photograph. It's a common view here in Amsterdam: rows and rows of bicycles, tied up to poles, fences, other bicycles, you name it. People are creative in finding a suited parking spot for their bicycle. Many of them have chains thicker than my wrist, to secure them to anything that won't move that easily. It's not something redundant to do, since many bicycles are stolen. Sometimes, FietsenDepot Amsterdam steals them (technically, this isn't stealing, since you parked it wrong. Otherwise they wouldn't take it), sometimes, a random person whom you've never seen and probably never will see, takes your innocent bicycle and just rides away with it.

I've been a victim of both crimes. Once, I thought my bicycle was stolen, but it wasn't, FietsenDepot just took it away and stalled it in their depot - where I could get it back for just 10 euro. Last time, unfortunately, it really was stolen. I parked it in the FietsFlat near Amsterdam Central Station, where many bikes get stolen, so I've been told (afterwards. Not that I couldn't have known, but still.). I secured it to itself with my double chains, but even that couldn't prevent it from being taken away by some dolt.

What does one do when ones bike has been stole? Right, one gets herself a new one. So, I bought a nice bike from the ASVA people: the student association in Amsterdam. For just 60 euro, they provide you with a new, completely functioning bicycle - and it comes with free lightbulbs, even. I was lucky enough to pick a handsome Old Dutch bicycle. It's a bit rusty, but it works just fine. Too bad it's a black frame with a black lock, so I don't recognize it instantly.

Easiest solution? Spraypaint! Although it is a bit too cold to spraypaint your bike now, I've bought some blue spraypaint and I'm intending to spray blue stars all over the frame. That way, I'll recognize it much easier. A friend of mine has a kitchen in which it's warm enough to spraypaint, so within a couple of months, I hope to have a nice painted bicycle. That is, if it doesn't get stolen again before that time...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know the feel. My bike got stolen too :c So now I bought this bigass pink lock to secure it. It looks superduper technical and strong, so hopefully it will prevent my "new" bike from being stolen haha.
